Backup To Protect Against Ransomware

Your backup frequency determines how much data you could potentially lose in a ransomware attack. As such, many experts recommend backing up critical data at least once hourly.

Backup is only effective when robust and thorough. Therefore, great backup policies must be the core of your ransomware backup strategy. For instance, you can adopt the 3-1-1 rule; making three copies of data, keeping two in different forms and media, and storing one off-site to isolate it from the business network.

Although cloud storage can prevent data from physical destruction, it will not automatically offer ransomware protection. Therefore, backups using traditional backup media like tape are crucial to supplement cloud backups, which can be the off-site copy.

Organizations need to back up their data often. CIOs must also review policies for frequent backup, particularly how often data is backed up to off-site locations and traditional media. Also, IT teams must check how long they keep copies since ransomware can leverage time delays to avoid detection.

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