Cenforce 50 Doctors’ Prescribed Pill

Cenforce 50 is a dilution of the drug that contains one tablet of sildenafil citrate.

The main purpose of the drug cenforce is to cure erectile dysfunction (ED) in males. Its active component, sildenafil citrate, is a strong inhibitor of the phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) enzyme. During sexual stimulation, sildenafil helps to enhance blood flow to the penis by inhibiting PDE5, which in turn facilitates erections.

Cenforce 50 is a dilution of the drug that contains one tablet of sildenafil citrate. People who need a softer effect or who are more sensitive to the drug may be administered this lesser dosage. Like other sildenafil-containing drugs, Cenforce is usually given orally, ideally between 30 and 1 hour prior to planned sexual activity.

richard murphy

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